Two years before the inception of this ministry, God spoke to me personally concerning the mandate to establish it, to reach a people whom God designated to me as THE NEGLECTED people. I enquired of Him as to what He meant by that concept. God revealed it to me that the concept encompassed, among other groups that the Holy Spirit would progressively continue to reveal to me, the people wallowing in abject poverty in the countryside.
Frankly and, humanly speaking, it was difficult for me to accept this new and challenging vocation as I saw it as a negative tendency in my ministerial aspirations. From 1992 to 2000, I had been involved in evangelistic campaigns in Schools, Colleges and Institutions of Higher Learning throughout the country. I did that ministry in extremely cumbersome circumstances. In the year 2001, God graciously moved me to another ministry that dealt with training of church leaders; and so I became fully involved in church leaders training programs. This was an International Ministry, which inevitably took me to different regions within the country as well as to some African countries and beyond the African Continent. In my limited human understanding, this ministry was comfortably appealing to me to work with permanently!
To the contrary, God showed me how majority of His servants have opted to neglect rural areas and preferred to establish themselves in urban Centers, and have completely forgotten His people in the villages particularly, the poor villagers who are poor to the extent that they are even incapable of giving offerings, accommodation and, more importantly, food to preachers! These are the neglected people and places where the LORD has called us to go and commence new work. Admittedly, this vision is extremely huge and profound, whose focus is to reach all rural areas in Tanzania and beyond its borders. In this context we, alone, cannot accomplish it; we need integrated efforts in order to fulfill the Great Commission.

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